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*News & Events

Countering Anti-Feminism: Zoom Conference

Join Gender Five Plus on March 22, 2024, from 15:00 to 17:00 CET, for a Zoom video conference: “PUSH*BACK*LASH: Countering Anti-Feminism-Gender Backlash & Democratic Pushback in Europe.”

This webinar will discuss  effective strategies against anti-feminist/gender mobilisation in the European Union. Gender Five Plus, as the first European Feminist Think Tank, has collected and analyzed the various strategies used by policy-makers and civil society to combat  the prevailing backlash against gender equality policies across various strata of society.

Harnessing the collaborative power of the PushBackLash* EU Horizon project, alongside ten distinguished partners, we want to present and discuss the results of this research with you. It is important for us and the study at large to get feedback from people and organisations interested in human rights and gender equality.

We’re happy to share our preliminary findings, spotlighting innovative pushback strategies against anti-gender discourses, with a keen emphasis on intersectional feminist activism. Your presence is paramount; join us in shaping the dialogue and driving meaningful change!

Together, let’s pave the path towards a more inclusive, equitable future.

Connect with us on March 22nd via the following link:

🔗 Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 0289 7559
Passcode: 033338

Let’s ignite change together! See you there!

Call for Postdoctoral Researchers
Exeter is advertising 3 postdoc positions to work Professor Dr. Engeli on WP3.

1/ Fixed-term post from March 1 2024 to December 31 2025. This is a 22-month post if the candidate starts on march 1 but in any case, the contract ends by the end of December 2025. The start date can be after March 1.

Excellent command of English is required. Excellent command of French, and/or German, and/or Italian, and/or Polish is more than welcome but not essential for this post.


2/8-month post for working on the Italian case. An excellent command of Italian is required (in addition of command of English). The start date is expected to be in March or soon after.


3/ 8-month post for working on the Polish case. An excellent command of Polish is required (in addition of command of English). The start date is expected to be in March or soon after


For the 3 posts: the place of work is hybrid. This means the job holders can work on campus and/or from home.

For any question or further information, the prospective candidates are more than welcome to get in touch with Professor Dr. Engeli at>

Call for an Erasmus Intern

The Department of Political Science at the University of Salzburg ranks among the hundred best in the world and is currently hosting two multinational research projects funded by the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Program for protecting and nurturing democracies. The Professorship in Politics and Gender, Diversity and Equality is pleased to offer the following Erasmus traineeship opportunities (either as two part-time or one full-time position).

 We are looking for interns who have: 

  •  strong interest in learning qualitative and quantitative data collection, coding, and analysis and
  •  hands-on applied research
  •  background in political science, sociology or social sciences
  •  good command of written and spoken English
  •  experience with social media content creation (Instagram, Twitter)
  •  experience with writing literature reviews
  •  strong writing skills


 Horizon Europe Push*Back*Lash:

  • Maintain project’s social media channels (e.g., prepare posts, videos and updates as needed or
  • requested).
  • Prepare quarterly newsletter.
  • Participate in data collection, coding, and analysis as needed or requested.
  • Participate in the preparation of literature reviews as needed or requested.
  • Participate in the preparation of reports and infographics as needed or requested.
  •  Assist with other research-or dissemination- related tasks as needed or requested.

Horizon Europe ActEU:

  • Participate in data collection, coding, and analysis as needed or requested.
  • Participate in the preparation of literature reviews as needed or requested.
  • Participate in the mapping and aggregation of existing data sources as needed or requested.
  • Assist with other tasks as needed or requested.

    Each traineeship must be fundable within the Erasmus programme framework. The successful
applicant will not receive additional payment from the University of Salzburg for this role. The
traineeship contract must comply with both the Erasmus guidelines and the requirements of the
sending (home) institution.

   The trainee must have obtained the level of C1 (based on the CEFR framework) in both written and
spoken English. German and additional languages are advantageous, as these enable a more
personable exchange with international partners.

   The traineeship is expected to start on October 15, 2023 – or on a mutually agreed date. It should last
for at least one semester. There is an opportunity for an extension for another semester, for a total of
12 months. The internship can be either a full-time or a part-time position with 20 or 40 working hours
per week – for the duration specified.

   All Erasmus trainees need to register at the University of Salzburg to receive student status valid for
the traineeship period. As a member of the Austrian Student Union, trainees are automatically entitled
to liability and accident insurance during their time in Salzburg. In addition, enrolment allows trainees
to attend courses of their choice along with other Erasmus students.

    If the trainee is interested in starting the internship in October 2023, a valid enrolment is required for
the summer semester 2023. As of 1 of October, the registration and funding within the framework of
the Erasmus programme is also a precondition.

    Please send your application, including a cover letter (max. 2 pages) CV and specification if you are
applying for a full or part-time internship via email by September 1, 2023, to
Online or in-person interviews will take place mid-September. 

For further enquiries, please contact the
GDE – Team:

Call for a National Researcher

G5+, the first European feminist think tank seeks to hire national researchers to support its work in the context of the EU-Horizon project Push*Back*Lash.

Job description
This is a time-limited (one year/10 working days) assignment for researchers to study and conduct interviews with a view to producing country reports in English on strategies and good practices to counter anti-gender and anti-feminist discourses.

We are looking for persons who have a solid knowledge of their national gender equality policies as well as the general European gender equality framework. The researchers should have proven experience in research methodologies and analysing gender policies. They must have an excellent command of written English.

Responsibilities and Duties
The researchers will deliver the following tasks and should provide the following services for Gender5Plus:

  • Conduct desk research to identify the pushback strategies that are deployed against anti-gender discourses in one of the ten countries to be studied with a special focus on pushback strategies for intersectional feminist activism;
  • Conduct interviews and evaluate them;
  • Effectively identify good practices in the pushback against anti-gender discourses, taking into account the context, resources and geography, whilst considering possible ramifications of COVID-19;
  • Draft the country report (10-20 pages);
  • Attend the relevant project meetings (virtual);
  • Edit the draft country report following the comments by the senior project leader;
  • In collaboration with the Senior project leader, draw preliminary recommendations for the specific country.


Desired qualifications:

    • Experience in analysing gender equality policies at national level and writing synthesis reports;
    • A university degree;
    • A good understanding of feminist methodologies and how to apply them;
    • Experience in conducting interviews and analysing them;
    • A thorough knowledge of the networks of political stakeholders at national level who may have developed strategies to combat antifeminism;
    • Commitment to women’s rights and equality between women and men;
    • Respect for diversity and commitment to ensuring intersectionality and inclusivity;
    • Proficiency in spoken and written English is essential.


Type of Contract and Duration:
Consultancy contract from the 1st of October 2023 to the 30th of August 2024. Estimated working days: 10 days


Applicants are expected to apply for one specific country. In case the applicant feels that she/he/they can cover more than one country, please indicate that clearly on your application.

Daily rate: 250,00 € (all taxes included)

Total remuneration: 2500,00 € (all taxes included)

How to Apply
If you are interested, please send a letter of motivation of no more than one page outlining your motivation and your experience relevant to the role. Name your file as ’Last name_ PBL_country’ together with an up-to-date CV, preferably in EUROPASS format and no longer than 2 pages by 30th of July to Barbara Helfferich, Senior Project Coordinator, G5+, Email:

Gender Five Plus is an equal opportunities employer. As such, we strongly encourage applicants from underrepresented and marginalised groups, sexualities or nationalities to apply. Please be aware that to be selected for this position, you must be registered as an independent consultant in one of the Member States of the European Union.

Call for a Cartoonist

We are currently looking for cartoonists to illustrate a series of eight cartoons about gender equality and LGBT+ equality.

This call is part of a research project funded by the EU about democratic resilience against attacks towards gender and sexuality equality across Europe.

We are looking for cartoonists who would like to collaborate with social scientists in co-creating cartoons that relay key findings of the research project Push*Back*Lash.

The Push*Back*Lash project is a transdisciplinary project that takes intersectionality to heart and advances the theory and practice of feminism(s) through rigorous, comparative multimethod research in support of the quality of democratic governance in more inclusive European societies. It explores political actors, their agendas, and strategies to promote anti-gender equality in the European Union, using a large methodological palette – surveys, experiments, interviews, focus groups, and participatory theater. Push*Back*Lash is also distinctively solution-oriented.

The project designs and empirically tests counter strategies to overcome the pushback against gender equality and democracy in Europe and seeks to equip pro-equality actors with practical toolkits for responding to anti-gender equality and anti-feminist discursive strategies and backlash tactics. To this end, the project brings together civil society activists, EU experts, and researchers from the fields of political science, sociology, anthropology, communication and media, philosophy, and social psychology from 11 universities and organizations in Europe.

We offer competitive rates for cartoons.

If you are interested in co-creating cartoons with us within the framework of this project, please submit your expression of interest to by 11:59 pm July 15, 2023.

We will get in touch with you for further information.

Kick-off Meeting
January 30 – February 1, 2023
Edmundsburg Salzburg, Austria

The new Horizon Europe project Push*Back*Lash that studies the relationship between democracy and the advocacy of/opposition to gender equality was launched on January 30, 2023 in Salzburg, Austria.

On the opening night, the welcome address by Zoe Lefkofridi and Rachel Weston-Eschenbacher’s (UN Women) keynote was followed by a roundtable (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) about “Challenges to gender equality in the public sphere: politics, labor market, and education” with Andrea Klambauer (Land Salzburg), Anna Schiester (Stadt Salzburg), Sabine Veits-Falk (Stadtarchiv), Martin Weiss (Salzburg Global Seminar). Dzeneta Karabegovic (PLUS) served as a moderator. 

During the next two days, consortium members discussed the first phases of project implementation.

You can find a full meeting report here.

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